Wow I haven't been on my blog in awhile - my new name is Busy Busy Busy Mommy!!!
Our twin boys decided to enter the world on Thursday, July 29th, 2010. My sister took me for my routine checkup at the specialist, and while the doctor was doing my ultrasound I was having contractions a little to close to one another, so the doctor sent me next door to the hospital to be monitored. When my sister and I arrived they hooked me up to the monitors right away and about a half hour later I saw my regular doctor who was on call at the hospital. He told me they were not letting me go home now because my contractions were 5 to 7 minutes apart. So I called Steve to come from work and our babies came that evening. Our babies were good sizes considering I was only 34 weeks along.
Baby A - Liam Henrik Siemers 5lbs. 11oz. 18 1/2 inches born at 5:11pm
Baby B - Myles Halden Siemers 4lbs. 10oz. 19 inches born at 5:13pm
The babies were rushed off to the NICU where they stayed for a week before they got to come home. That was hard on mommy to be discharged and come home from the hospital without my babies. Myles was on CPAP for his breathing and in an incubater for most of his time there to help him keep his body tempature, and all the other monitoring they do of their hearts. Liam did very well and really was only hooked to heart monitors. They just don't like to send babies home until their 36 weeks along. I will be posting pictures soon. As soon as I figure out how to down load from my new camera and on to my new computer. Right now Steve and I are pretty much sleep deprived!
My Nephew In Afghanistan
4 years ago
Congrats Kay! Glad things went well and that it is over and your precious boys are here! Can't wait to see pictures.
I've been thinking about you a lot and totally want to meet the little guys. I hope all is well and maybe I'll get to talk to you in person soon. Can't wait for pictures!
Congratulations Kay! That is super exciting. I'm glad all is well and healthy. Can't wait for pictures!
Congrats Kay!!!! I am so excited for you guys! I can't imagine how much work that would wonder you are sleep deprived! Do twins run in your family, or did you do fertility? I can't wait to see pics!
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